This Menu option will only give access to members of our club who have paid their annual subscription and have had access approved.
If you are not yet a member then you can join our club by submitting an on line membership form [ see the Membership Form button at the top right of the web site ] or you can download a PDF form [ click here ] to send to us by post. Once your membership has been completed and confirmed by our club secretary then follow the next instruction below to set up your user Log In and Password.
If you are a current member of the club but have not yet set up a log in User Name [ we use your email address ] then click on the Log In option at the top right of the web page and select the Sign Up option.
Once we have received your Sign Up form we can then approve access to our Members Only pages. This allows you to select your own password for better security.
If you forget your password then you can create a new password by just entering your User Name [ which is your email address ].
If you have any difficulties then please use the Contact Us form [ button at the top right of the web page ] to gain assistance.